143. This Week's Economy Ep. 13 | Is the New Inflation Rate Good News? + Fed Pause + Texas Property Tax Stalemate + Louisiana’s Irresponsible Budget + Problem w "New Right"
New podcast episode recapping this week's economic events to help you prosper!
Hello Friends,
Thank you for reading the Let People Prosper newsletter, which today includes the 12th episode of "This Week's Economy,” where I briefly share insights every Friday on key economic and policy news across the country.
Today, I cover:
1) National: Why the new inflation rate is not exactly good news in light of prices still being too high in many sectors and why the Fed should more aggressively cut its balance sheet;
2) States: Updates on the Texas special session and the ongoing fight for property tax relief and why I believe eliminating M&O property taxes with compression is the best path forward; Louisiana's latest session and why its budget is irresponsible; and
3) Other: Discussion of "the new right" and why it's anti-capitalism and anti-freedom.
You can watch this episode and others along with my Let People Prosper Show on YouTube or listen to it on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, or Anchor. Please share, subscribe, like, and leave a 5-star rating!
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