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Speaking my language, Vance. Look everyone, you can hate Donald Trump, but if you want to get this country's economy on the right rails, and support entrepreneurship wherein you and your neighbor might start a business that thrives, the simple and unequivocal fact is our government is in the way.

Disagreeing with this because you don't like Trump is ironically like fighting marijuana legalization because you prefer people drinking alcohol. It doesn't matter what you don't like - you're in the way of fixing a bad situation because you don't like an aspect of the solution.

"That starts with restoring the consumer welfare standard, ensuring that antitrust enforcement is based on facts, not ideology. It also means the Senate should confirm regulators who use this standard as an anchor and understand the importance of competition in free-market capitalism to drive innovation."

Substackers, I'm here with a similar, liberty first oriented point of view, if you need a different take: https://paulobrien.substack.com/p/trumps-first-few-days-for-independents

What's happening today, like it or not, is a bit painful but since Reagan, hell, before, American's have been talking about how government is too big, it's in the way, and it isn't actually solving any problems. Disrupt it, adjust, and build back better what should be done now. You don't have to like the messenger or the medium, but you have to back off if what you're asking for is a return to what the U.S. government was, because you don't like Trump.

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